10th IWSMRR program(E)
– Toward a Resilient Society against earthquakes-

10th International Workshop on Seismic Microzonation and Risk Reduction
As of Sep.9, 2013
09:30-09:45 Opening Address:
- Prof. Takahisa Enomoto, Kanagawa Univ.
- Dr. Toshiaki Yokoi, IISEE, Building Research Institute
09:45-12:15 Morning Session
- Prof. Kojiro Irikura, Aichi Institute of Technology:
“Some features of strong ground motions and structural damage during the 2011 Mw 9.0 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake”
- Prof. Masato Motosaka, International Research Institute for Disaster Science,Tohoku Univ.:
“Site specific ground motion characteristics and building damage in Sendai area during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake”
- Dr. Yoshinobu Tsuji, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute:
“Heights Distribution and Damage of the Tsunami of the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake on the north part of the Sanriku Coast”
- Prof. Manuel Navarro, Universidad de Almeria, Spain:
“Analysis of site effects, building response and damage distribution observed due the 2011 Lorca destructive Earthquake”
- Dr. Toshihide Kashima, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute:
“Dynamic Behavior of Buildings based on Strong Motion Data during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake”
- Dr. Kazuo Tani, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention:
“Recommendations of the Japanese Geotechnical Society and New Qualification System of Geotechnical Engineers”
13:30-15:35 Afternoon Session 1
- Prof. Shoichi Ando, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies:
“Disaster Management in Japan related to Earthquake Hazard Risk Management”
- Prof. Mario Gustavo Ordaz Schroeder, Instituto de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico):
“Improved financial management of Mexico’s Natural Disasters Fund using advanced risk-estimation tools”
- Dr. Bartolome Bautista, Deputy Director of Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Philippine):
“Refinement of the Source Parameters of the 1948 M8.1 Panay Island Earthquake”
- Mr. Hideaki Fujiyama, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan:
“The Damage Estimation on the Nankai Trough Megathrust Earthquake”
- Prof. Kuo-Liang WEN, National Center of Research on Earthquake Engineering (Taiwan):
“Microzonation Study in the Hanoi, Vietnam”
15:45-17:25 Afternoon Session 2
- Mr. Masaki Nakamura, Seismological and Volcanological Department, Japan Meteorological Agency:
“Information on long-period ground motion of the Japan Meteorological Agency”
- Dr. Ken Hatayama, National Research Institute for Fire and Disaster:
“Sloshing Damage to Oil Storage Tanks due to Long-Period Strong Ground Motions during the 2011 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake”
- Dr. Julie Regnier:, CETE Méditerrannée – LRPC de Nice (France):
“Assessing Nonlinear Behavior of Soils in Seismic Site Response: Statistical Analysis on KIK-net Strong-Motion Data”
- Prof. Kazuo Seo, Miyagi Univ. of Education:
“THE 2011 TSUNAMI AND SCHOOLS IN DAMAGED AREAS - What We Have Learned Through Regional Evacuation Activities from the Tsunami Disaster -”
17:25-17:30 Closing Remark
Prof. Manuel Navarro, Universidad de Almeria, Spain